
I dont know how much better Florida actually is. OSU shot so poorly from outside they didnt have much of a chance. OSU also shot poorly from the free throw line. OSU owned the inside scoring twice as much as Florida in the paint.
byerspc | 3 Apr 2007 @ 06:45
true. . .but that is why i figured florida would win. . .osu is streaky from 3-point range. when they are on, they are tough to stop. . .but when they are off, it is difficult for them to get anything going. interesting that towards the end of the game after it was sealed for fla they started making them.
e-rabbi | 3 Apr 2007 @ 13:42
On the note about the hacks, you should check out wordpress. Its wonderful, really easy to install, has a wonderful anti-spam plugin Ive only had one spam comment slip by, and moderating comments is really easy. brbrSomebody needs to beat florida in some sort of sport... Theyve won 3 straight championships in footballbasketball combined and its starting to bug me...
Caleb | | www.calebselstad.comblog | 3 Apr 2007 @ 21:33
yeah, ive considered moving to a different platform for blogging. currently this site is hosted on a microsoft server. . .so no php, but im considering trying a different host that allows both asp and php which ive tried to talk 1and1 into offering, but they still claim it is impossible.

i couldnt agree more about florida. starting to seem rigged.
e-rabbi | 4 Apr 2007 @ 00:16
Hey Smitty,

Just thinking about you today. Hope all is well with you. I see you are having success with starting an army to take over the world. Frankly, it looks like landon could take over most of the world by himsself.

Drop me a line sometime.

Happy Easter,

Pete Radford | | 5 Apr 2007 @ 13:39
techrabbi gets red screened on terminalbrbrwhy
nathan | 12 Apr 2007 @ 16:33
yeah. . .the filter classified it as webmail or something like that. it should work now. . .but i havent tried it yet.
e-rabbi | 13 Apr 2007 @ 00:12
radford. . .yeah, i need to call you sometime. how is your army coming
e-rabbi | 13 Apr 2007 @ 00:14
Yeah, where does PG&E get off trying to upgrade their own equipment? This capitalism stuff is ridiculous, and private companies that provide invaluable services shouldn’t be able improve their products! We need the government to run electrical utilities b/c they are much more efficient, aas proven in all other facets, ie USPS, Social Security, EPA, Medicare. Give me a break! God forbid one of the largest utilities in the nation try and provide a better service to its millions of customers, while be coming more “green”. You commi’s can’t have it both ways. By the way, what substantial accredited research has been done to support any of these anti-smart meter claims. It seems to me that the majority of studies conclude the meters are safe, yet these protesters continue to gin up fear in the hopes of their own empowerment. I mean think, who heard of this douche Josh Hart? This guy is an unemployed nobody, who is probably been on EDD assistance for the full 3 years, living off of the tax payers. Meanwhile, he’s out building his own brand. An ego maniac who’s skewed information for his own self-engrandizement, and power over hippie putty brains that have been living in homes with all kinds of RF. Yet, the meter on the outside of their home has caused immeasurable damage. Or, was it all of the drugs you guys did in the 60′s and 70′s? Hats off to Josh Hart, he’s going to get rich on the backs of PG&e, and all of you wack jobs who call for progress, yet hate it when it arrives. No matter what PG&E does you guys will be mad, get a hobby. gap insurance cheap life insurance quotes
Latesha | | | 2 Sep 2013 @ 08:47
OH MY GOSH! Those are the most gorgeous pecutris I think I've ever seen! You need to submit those to a bride's magazine or something. Wow! She looks like a Hepburn woman. Were some of the photos taken at Seaside?
Carlos | | | 3 Sep 2013 @ 03:16
interesting post. it's important to note that the riautls listed above (and listed on the link) are stated in thier most traditional form, and it's quite common to see different forms of these practices in weddings of jews who are less observant. for instance, my friend who comes from a reform upbringing did the seven circles custom differently than the above link describes. instead of the bride circling the groom 7 times, the groom circled the bride 3 times, the bride circled the groom 3 times, and then they did one circle together. of note (i realize the initial post was more focused on symbolism, so this may be a little off base) i have never been to a jewish wedding where the bride is escorted by her mother and soon to be mother in law. in reform and conservative jewish tradition the bride is escorted by both her parents. [url=]awxvfqldfts[/url] [link=]cjfawx[/link]
Chance | | | 3 Sep 2013 @ 14:34
北市聯醫鬧護士荒 光去年就離職356人自由 2012.04.28〔記者劉榮/台北報導〕國內醫護人員投書國際媒體,台北市聯合醫院護士荒問題嚴重,聯醫統計,光是去年一年,就有三百五十六名護士離職,一名離職護士說,許多護士因為工作常日夜失調,都有失眠、內分泌失調,必須長期吃藥,而護士離職率高主要是無法兼顧家庭。輪大小班 讓護理人員精神失調中華民國護理師護士公會調查顯示,到今年三月底,全國領有護理師執照的人數大約有二十三萬多人,不過實際執業的只有十三萬多人,全台新進護理人員三個月內離職率高達三成二,工作一年離職率更高達五成八,年輕護士剛畢業就被派到急診室。台北市議員許淑華、李建昌及周威佑昨天陪同多名離職的護士召開記者會,呼籲北市府重視護士荒問題,並要求北市聯合醫院應帶頭提高護士夜班費、將輪班制改為固定班。從事十年護理工作的崔小姐說,離職是因為無法兼顧照顧小孩,且因常要搬動病患,不僅手臂肌肉長期拉傷,工作需要輪大、小夜班,也讓她罹患精神失調,必須長期吃止痛藥、肌肉鬆弛劑。另外,本身是約聘人員,薪資比正職少了一萬五千元,加上夜班的加班費不高,在家人的反對下不得不離開職場。市議員周威佑批評,國內在八十三年首度對護士調薪,至今護士薪資已有近廿年未調整過,以北市聯醫為例,小夜班護士月薪僅約四萬五千元、大夜班月薪不過五萬元,一般正常班輪小夜,每次卅元,除非包班連續上十五天,才會增為每次五百元;一般正常班輪大夜,每次五百元,就算包班連續上十五天,也只增為每次七百元。聯醫︰將提補貼方案改為固定班台北市聯合醫院總院長張聖原承諾,將針對大、小夜班值班護士提出一套補貼方案。副總院長黃遵誠說,願意研議將輪班改為固定班制,聯醫也推出權責照顧制,聘病房助理,每五床配一位病房助理,從事非專業的護理工作,分擔護理人員的工作量。◆ 基層護理超時過勞 怒吼「給我命、給我假」自由 2012.04.28〔記者廖千瑩/台北報導〕「給我命、給我假、不要錢!」台灣基層護理產業工會籌備會及工傷協會昨至勞委會抗議,要求勞委會正視護理人員超時工作及畸形班表問題,並訂出護理人員輪換班的休息時間下限,避免護士過勞情況再發生。近幾年來護理人員過勞頻傳,日前不但有護士投書CNN怨血汗醫院,監察院也因國內血汗醫院嚴重糾正政院及勞委會、衛生署。選在四二八國際工殤日前夕,台灣基層護理產業工會籌備會到勞委會抗議,接下來在五一勞動節當天也要走上街頭,發出護理人員的怒吼。台灣基層護理產業工會籌備會成員王云緒說,十幾年來,醫院逢缺不補,節省人力,人力不足就用「畸形班表」、「積休假以時數買假」來填補人力空洞,導致護理人員愈來愈忙,休假愈來愈少、班表混亂,流動率也因此增加。勞基法第卅四條明定,「勞工工作採晝夜輪班制者,其工作班次,每週更換一次」,且「更換班次時,應給予適當的休息時間」,王云緒說,據了解,多數護士一週要輪二到三種班的畸形班表,經常發生輪值大夜班之後換小夜班,隔天一早又要上白班,長期超時工作,撐不下去的人最後只好離職。她痛批,護理人員的畸形班表根本違反勞基法,先前衛生署還想透過提高護理人員夜班費及超時加班費,試圖解決問題,但根本治標不治本,「比起金錢補助,我們寧可給我命、給我假、不要錢!」勞委會︰將檢討相關規範並辦理勞檢台灣基層護理產業工會籌備會也強調,護理人員換班時間應至少間隔四十八小時,避免畸形班表逼人過勞;並應針對醫療院所展開全面勞檢、另廢止勞基法八十四條之一責任制。勞委會昨回應,後年起護士將回歸勞基法正常工時規範,針對護理工會籌備會的訴求,勞委會將會同衛生署積極處理,確實檢討相關規範,並辦理勞動檢查,維護勞工權益。◆ 護士拒畸形班表 北醫:研議固定班制【聯合報╱記者湯雅雯、周志豪/台北報導】2012.04.29 「我要休假、我要約會!」冒著細雨,五十多名護理人員手舉標語,跟著隊伍高喊抗議口號,當聽到近半年來,已有七名小護士因過勞猝死或想不開,眼淚不禁奪眶而出,口號聲變得哽咽、顫抖,「血汗護士」的辛酸,令人鼻酸。「我要命、我要假、不要錢!」今天是國際工殤日,台灣基層護理產業工會籌備會發起人王云緒說,大醫院裡的小護士,每天工作超過十四小時,班表常是日夜交替的「畸形班表」,根本沒時間休息。勞基法規定班次每周只能換一次,也就是說,護士這周上白天班,七天都得輪早班;但真實情況常是今天早班、隔天小夜班、後天大夜班的「畸形班表」。「安眠藥、止痛藥、咖啡,已經是血汗醫院的必備三寶。」護理人員說,因為上班時間日夜顛倒、不固定,很多小護士都必須靠咖啡及藥物維持體力,形成「病人照顧病人」的場景。台大醫院前護士崔思純說,護士工時長,即使懷孕時,中餐只能以咖啡、珍珠奶茶果腹,「胎兒只好跟著營養不良」;為了抬病人,右手還罹患網球肘。護理工會要求立即廢除「責任制」,消滅畸形班表,若十天內不改善,不排除五一勞動節和五一二護士節發動更大規模的遊行抗議。勞委會專門委員陳慧敏回應,已公告醫療保健服務業兩階段排除適用「責任制」,三月底已排除呼吸治療室、血庫及放射線診療部的醫事及技術人員;急診室、加護病房等特殊緊急部門的醫護人員自二○一四年起排除。至於改善護士工作條件,北市聯合醫院副總院長黃遵誠回應,若有盈餘,會提高績效獎勵金補貼夜班護士。他強調,北市率先推動病床助理制度,分擔護士的非專業工作,也會開勞資會議,研議護士固定班制的可行性。 ◆ 給馬英九總統的一封信-六項人力建議 解決護士荒【本報訊】2012-04-28 中國時報彰化周玲如(秀傳醫院護理師):我從事護理工作十五年,目前仍在護理線上,想當年學校畢業時,老師告訴我們護理人力已飽和,要盡快到職場卡位;又社會賦予護士「白衣天使」的美譽,對護理專業形象有極度讚美和崇高期望,因此我們滿懷理想地就業。曾幾何時,願意從事護理工作的畢業生逐年減少,工作崗位上的護理人員也紛紛離職。雖然我當初的熱忱、愛心及服務病人的感動與成就感還在;但外在的壓力、評鑑的工作、環境的弱勢、輪班的不適、病人的無理,讓內在的支持力量漸漸消逝。我們不論是否身體不適、感冒受傷或過年過節、颳風下雨,都得輪班工作,有時還要接受病人的抱怨和指責,照護病人戰戰兢兢,要面對人的生老病死,真的很沉重。護理人員在職場辛苦工作,又得兼顧家庭,蠟燭兩頭燒的結果是斷送掉護理生涯。又目前健保給付額度偏低,更壓縮護理人員的編制,造成人力不足,嚴重影響病人就醫安全與照護品質。所以我要建議:一、提高健保支付額度;二、鼓勵報考及就讀護理學校的獎學金制度;三、設立鼓勵護理人員重返職場的獎勵機制;四、開放設立臨床佐理員制度來協助非護理工作;五、畢業生未取照前,服務訓練建議由一年延長為四年;六、於技職體系院校增加護理學生名額;來解決人力不足之窘境。(鐘武達整理) car insurance free quotes
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