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owen's first professional pics

praise: i am so thankful that we have central air this year!

prayer: please pray for dalton as he is potty-training this week. he is doing very well.

playfulness: here is a link for the pics that we had taken last week. i hope it works.

nic @ 15:53 | comments(5) | Permanent link


praise: praise the
Lord for an overall good report! owen passed both tests in his left ear, but
failed both tests in his right ear. dr. kewson said that he would like to have owen re-tested in october. he wants to give the eardrum a little longer to make
sure that it is fully matured. he also said that because he has one ear that is
fine-there should not be any language development problems. we are very thankful
for the news. thank you for your prayers. also, dalton is doing much better today with his virus he has been battling.

prayer: please continue to pray for owen and the re-test in october. also, please pray that none of the other kids come down with the virus dalton has had-it has not be pleasant around here!

playfulness: unfortunately-i can't think of anything funny right now-must be too tired!!!

nic @ 21:51 | comments(3749) | Permanent link


praise: landon is healthy!

prayer: owen's test tomorrow. dalton has a variation of hand/foot/and mouth and is in a lot of pain in his throat. auburn has an ear infection in one ear and has swimmer's ear in the other.

playfulness: ask dalton where anything is...owen's paci, his cup, daddy, etc....his response will always be the same..."at mcdonalds"

nic @ 09:25 | comments(234) | Permanent link

owen 3 mo snapshots

praise: I had a wonderful date with my hubby tonight!

prayer: continue to pray for the outcome of owen's appt. this friday.

playfulness: After I finished getting ready for our date tonight, landon told me "you look double beautiful!" what a sweetie!

tonight dave took me to texas roadhouse for my 32nd birthday (actually tomorrow). i think people thought we were loopy by the way we were laughing! afterward we did a little shopping at a nearby store and then went to the taylor library to pick out some videos. that library is NICE! it even has a reading lounge with vending machines. dave said "if we didn't have children..." i think we could really enjoy just hanging out in there together, but unfortunately, libraries don't have babysitting services! we stopped by the book sale tables/racks and had a blast looking at all of the crazy titles. we were cracking up and probably were on the verge of being asked to quiet down or leave. it was a wonderful date.

here are some more links to kids pics. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=131533&l=d5e99&id=831615642

nic @ 22:54 | comments(232) | Permanent link

new pics

praise: our upright freezer was delivered and installed today!!! grocery shopping will be so much more fun now!

prayer: owen's audiologist/ENT appt. next friday (11th)

playfulness: oh so many stories to tell...oh so little time. pictures will have to do for now.


nic @ 15:22 | comments(59) | Permanent link

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