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landon's brain

praise: landon LOVES kindergarten.

prayer: please pray that my children start sleeping a little later than 6 am! 

playfulness: okay, i know i haven't blogged funnies in a while...but to be honest-i have a ton of other things that need to be done. tonight though-i didn't want to forget this one. it's not really a funny-just a moment to brag on my son and his "math" skills. you may not find this amazing-but he always amazes me with what he figures out on his own. here's the conversation.

mom, what's five twos? what's two plus two?

what is two plus two, landon?



okay, what's five two's?

well, let's figure it out? two plus two is four-what is 2 more than that?

(he changes "gears" here and looses me for a second) what's two fours, plus two?

what is it?


that's right

that's what i thought!!! we have ten hands in our house!!!!!! (end of conversation)

i guess what amazed me was the method he used to figure it out. he can't formally count by 2's, but somehow his mind was able to group our hands in math facts that he knows-to figure out what he doesn't-so i'm assuming he did something like this in his head (2+2)+(2+2)+2=10. the end comment shocked me-i had no idea he was figuring out how many hands we had in the house. the whole situation made me laugh and smile.

nic @ 21:44 | comments(11) | Permanent link

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