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playfulness continued: auburn has a purple fleece outfit that dave says she looks like grimace in. she's wearing it in the following pictures.


auburn likes to help me sweep the kitchen floor. while she was sweeping, she decided that she needed to wear her backpack.

she then decided that a somersault would be the perfect thing to do next.

valentines day came and went. we purchased some items for the kids and gave them to them before dave went to work. auburn received a new mother goose dvd (mother goose goes to the farm and to the zoo) and a new hat. landon received a "first virtues" book that he's been wanting. it's a 12 book series. he's now up to 6 books and is not-so-patiently waiting for the other 6. we also gave him some more "avon" as he calls it (bath paint) and a clock for learning how to tell time. here's some pics.

his response was "oh wow!"

i'm imagining that you all will see this hat frequently this summer. it goes with almost all of auburn's summer outfits.

the following picture is of the two kids in true valentine spirit-sick. they sit on the couch and both benefit from the nebulizer. last year while landon was to use it, the doctor told me to put auburn by him when she got sick, so we reversed the orders this year.

hope you all enjoyed the post. you'll never know the grumping and climbing i endured to get it done!!!!  =)

nic @ 14:40 | comments(171) | Permanent link

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