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shadow: the car

praise: i had my cell phone last night. bennys took car of getting the car towed. mom and dad v. are letting us borrow their car while they are out of town. this all worked out at the right time.

prayer: our car is in the shop (for the 4th time in the past 10 months). hopefully, this won't be too costly. we just need a new (to us) vehicle. parents are leaving for florida at 4 today. planning on driving through the night.

playfulness: vote the new poll!

i've finally conquered meatloaf. the first two attempts in our married life were dismal failures. i finally found a recipe that works. thank you kraftfoods.com!

car died at kroger last night. worked fine on the way there, but wouldn't start after i shopped. unfortunately, it wasn't just the battery this time. still had juice, but couldn't get going.

the daughter is her crib just talking up a storm. the nieces this morning thought she was crying.

the son took his "candy" cards with him to bed last night. when i went in at 2 to get little one-he still had them in his hand.

the daughter picked up a toy intentionally and played with it for the first time yesterday. very cute. got pictures (have a similar one of the son).

nic @ 15:24 | comments(99) | Permanent link

shadow: the car vol. 2

praise: it was just the battery! no major car repairs needed. what an answer to prayer.

nic @ 12:13 | comments(162) | Permanent link

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