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playfulness, part 3:  we had our first fish parting. brownie died shortly after being moved to the aquarium. landon was devastated, and wanted to keep him in the tank even though he was dead. thankfully, dave is good with handling landon in such situations. he's okay now, but has declared he doesn't want anymore brown fish-only gold.

nic @ 14:37 | comments(28) | Permanent link


playfulness, part 2: landon went to a "carnival" put on by my moms group today. one of his prizes was 5 fish. dave came home to set up landon's new aquarium (from us) after landon came back from his festivities. while explaining to landon that the fish get breakfast, lunch and supper, landon asked "do they get pop for supper, too?" (we allow the kids to have a small amount of pop, only at supper time.)

nic @ 13:48 | comments(95) | Permanent link

rolling over

praise: dalton was acting a little lethargic yesterday. i was getting concerned because he was whining/acting the same as he did the day he was admitted in the hospital. last night, he perked up around 9:30. thank you Lord!!!

prayer: please continue to pray for dalton. it doesn't seem as though we are completely over whatever it was that he had. doctors did say he seemed healthy when we went for his hospital follow-up. he had regained his birth weight and then put on 6 more ounces.

playfulness: this morning, i put dalton on his side for his nap. when i came up an hour or so later to check on him-he was on his stomach. a little early, but this is actually the third time he has done it.

landon received superman sheets from my parents last night. he was thrilled!!!! all dave could say was "bed sheets!?! who invited that kid?"  (a quote from ham on toy story 1)

if you see landon anytime in the next few days, he will probably proudly tell you that he's 4 now. when he was getting ready to go to church last night, he excitedly told me that he was going to get to go the the 4's class. after a few shed tears and a little explaining, he finally understood that he had to wait until his whole class moved up to the 4's together.

last night while i was pumping, auburn grabbed my extra pump and decided she needed to do it, too. pics may be posted of her at some point, but.... who knows when i will ever get around to learning how to do it. =)

i will write more later, as i remember things.

nic @ 11:42 | comments(93) | Permanent link

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