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new category: ponderings

praise: i was able to get right in for an eye exam this morning. when i called to schedule on thursday, they told me they were booked, but the employee told me they still did walk-ins, though.

prayer: auburn has a cold.

playfulness: kids had small cold on wednesday. landon decided to stuff a hankie in one nostril to catch the drips.

the kids have been having bubble baths. here's auburn tonight. she loves bubbles!

today, while at my eye exam, one of the ladies waiting on me noticed my avon pin on my coat. she asked me to bring her a catalog when i pick up my new glasses. she said that she loves avon and hasn't been able to find a representative. i knew i liked that pin!

ponderings: this is a new section where i will be writing some of my musings. here it goes!

a while back, i knew of a person who, after being confronted about an improper attitude that had been expressed, responded with, "but i thought the people i was addressing knew my heart!" i have to say, my first thought was, "yes, we know what you want to be, but the problem was that your heart was what was being seen." (Jeremiah 17:9-the heart is deceitful about all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it? Matthew 12:34b-for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Proverbs 23:7a-for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he;) so many times, we get comfortable in life and we think we are better than we really are. i know this happens frequently in my life. i forget what a wicked sinner i am, and i somehow justify wrong attitudes. the aforementioned situation was such a reminder to me, that, no matter how much i pursue Godliness, i still need to realize that my old nature seeks every opportunity to show itself.

nic @ 21:48 | comments(6) | Permanent link

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