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praise: we were given another large gift of money. we may be able to get a new vehicle. it's such a blessing to see how the Lord always times everything perfectly (dying car-financial blessings).

prayer: my brother is having some problems with the root canal that he had done yesterday. he had it done on the tooth that he had knocked out during his baseball game four years ago.

playfulness: auburn finally rolled from her back to her tummy two days ago. she's now trying to figure crawling out. she can either get her back end up or her front up, but not both together.

today, auburn picked up a fruit puff between her thumb and first finger and fed herself. it was the first time she has ever used that grasp.

professor quigley on the letter factory says "needs salt" when he eats some popcorn. a few nights ago, we were eating something sweet at the kitchen table and landon paused and said "needs salt." at this moment, he is standing on a clothing bin that i brought into the living room and holding up his bat as an umbrella. he is trying to get up in the air like the "u" letters do on the letter factory.

nic @ 10:06 | comments(6) | Permanent link

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