24 April 2008
praise: a friend sent us 4 BIG boxes of diapers! WOOHOO!
prayer: dalton is on an antibiotic of throat and ear issues...again. owen has a little cold-he does sound somewhat better today.
playfulness: new pics here:
auburn does not like to have her hair done. she is learning to brush her own hair. which makes life much simpler than me doing it. she doesn't complain when she brushes it. i overheard this conversation between auburn and her aurora doll.
auburn: it's hair time!
doll: but i don't like to have my hair done!
auburn: i know, but you have to have your hair done before you can go to the ball!
hmmm...i think there has been similar conversations about church and outings at our house before...=)
nic @ 13:53 | comments(4562) | Permanent link