so many things running through the brain today (or "running through the rain" if you hear it wrong). my daughter tasted twinkies for the first time today. i've been told that twinkies are the closest things we have to manna. this was confirmed to me when my daughter tasted the twinkie and responded by saying, "honey" (see exodus 16:31). all this talk about food makes me hungry.
I do have a gripe with hostess over the new concept of individually wrapping twinkies. isn't the original concept of naming it "twinkie" have something to do with the fact that they come in a set of two (like twins)? this wastes a lot of my time and leads me into temptation. "how?" you ask. well,
- my time is wasted because i feel required to find the matching twin to the twinkie i am about to eat. this is no easy task. at times i even wonder if the twins were accidentally split up into different boxes. the mental anguish is horrible. . . it makes me hungry.
- it further leads me into the temptation of thinking that perhaps these twins were actually triplets. in the past, you would only see twinkies in packs of 2. i knew which 2 went together and since i knew i shouldn't eat 4, i stopped with 1 pack. now, i am frequently tempted to go for a third. the following guilt is horrible. . .it makes me hungry.
i'm wondering if there is actually some conspiracy at work here. . . some "hostess code". after all, if you change the order of the letters, twinkies can be read as "wine kits". could these cakes be part of a plot to drive us to drink? i smell a best selling book and movie. . .and it makes me hungry.
so miami defeated the pistons last night. another prediction came true. dallas only needs 1 more win to make another prediction come true. scary.
more later. . .
peace and java