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countdown to spring break

though it can sometimes be depressing, here is a countdown to spring break. clicking the link will open the countdown in a separate window. you may also right click and save file as to keep the counter for future offline use (free macromedia flash player required).

why is it that so many michigan drivers have been driving around with their car windows down lately? the temperatures have been ranging from the mid 20s to 30s. . .so it isn't as if signs of spring are making early appearances. i just don't get it. i'm seeking enlightenment.

oakland tournament last weekend was a lot of fun. pictures are coming soon.

the warrior child is starting to learn the art of diaper-less living. no, he isn't "trained" yet, but he is going more regularly these days. so exciting it takes a line here.

a 9th grader is winning the fantasy basketball league. byerspcteacher is in 2nd and i'm down to 3rd. could be worse. i won't say how.

peter jennings "reports" on ufos tonight. oddly enough, this doesn't strike me as anything but ordinary.

more later. . .

peace and java

hockey season officially nixed

so the hockey season is officially closed. . .no big deal. more time to pay attention to college basketball. the only people i feel sorry for in all of this mess are the ones that have jobs associated with the sport (such as concessions, zamboni drivers, etc.) that don't have any say in this issue, but are now out of a job.

jed(i) reminds me yesterday that we need to get the bracket manager back up and running. . .he also states that if i want firefox support, i need to give him advanced warning. i'm still a little cautious about using some of these newer browsers. they tend to do funny things. i like the opera browser. it allows me to emulate other browsers and also resize the window by percentages.

jed(i)'s comment reminds me of the new site i came across: http://www.ubergizmo.com/. jed(i) is certainly an ubergenius of the first order. . .and a great guy.

so the wife and i went to texas roadhouse the other day. the place is sultan. . .maybe even better than outback. how about that. . .a texas alternative to outsourcing.

more later. . .

peace and java

valentine's day. . .another hallmark holiday

perhaps this should be the next poll question: is valentine's day just a hallmark holiday. . .or which of the following is the worst hallmark holiday. . .

went over to the in-laws for lasagna and chocolate cake made with mayonaise (don't knock it till you've tried it). funny how we stereotype food. as if certain elements only deserve to be part of certain dishes. another example of this is the response i've heard to putting grape jelly into meatball sauce. say what you want, but those were the best meatballs i've ever had.

the warrior child got to attempt the trumpet last night. he did manage one note, but was easily distracted from the lesson. i would tell you that he doesn't get that from me, but it is too close to a certain hallmark holiday. . .so i will merely infer it with these comments.

one memory i have of my father is that he used to come up with concepts for invention. . .and then years later see his concept being marketed by someone else who had the same idea. we used to tell him that he should invent the stuff he thinks of and make us all rich, but he got greater joy out of thinking them up and then seeing it come out later. something almost similar happened to me recently. i was drawing out a concept for my co-workers a week ago or so and today i had a link sent to me of a device that just about does the same thing as my concept. now i understand a little of how my dad felt.

more later. . .

peace and java

busy week for the bballers

home games tuesday, friday and tournament on saturday (5 games to go all the way). fortunately there is no overtime at the tournament. . .free throws decide it (so i guess some hockey fan put this thing together).

speaking of hockey, i'm not at all disappointed that there wasn't a hockey season this year. i didn't miss a thing. kings would've lost again, so big deal.

professional basketball is getting to be a lazy game. usually 2 players are involved in every play and the other 3 just watch to see if the play will work. i think if a team came out with 5 aggressive players, they could win big without needing any major talent. could make the game more interesting. . .or they could play with international rules. . .otherwise, college hoops will continue to dominate.

osu is starting to look decent in basketball again. . .too bad they've already said they will suspend themselves from post-season play. not that i think they would go to ncaa, but nit would be a good step for this team.

mp3 players can be great. . .or frustrating. chief mentioned that he was thinking of podcasting. hip concept, but i think the idea of leaning towards an apple product might cause problems in the subculture. who knows, maybe some day it won't sound so bad. (peace, pizza, poptarts, puppies, podcasting?) 

more later. . .

peace and java


it never ceases to amaze me that people in business today are very loose with their reputation. they don't care if they cheat you or lie to get your business. i have had 3 episodes of this recently and it bothers me.

my 7th graders know everything there is to know about everything and they are sure there is nothing new for them to learn. today, though, they admitted for a moment that they didn't know what gluttony was, but when described many of them expressed that it wasn't actually a sin. amazing. for further study on the topic, read proverbs 23 and 1 Corinthians 6:12-20.

my 8th graders claim that my vocabulary is limited to 3 words: wow, nice, and sweet. of course they have forgotten hala. . .and emu.

heading back to the homeland tomorrow. it is good to visit ohio every now and then just to give michigan drivers a bad name.

i think my accelerated life is now having an impact on my memory. i think i forgot something today, but i can't remember what it was.

more later. . .

peace and java


went to see the tooth dude today. it's weird that some dentists think they have to be funny while they are working on your teeth. let me tell all you dentist-wannabes, when you have sharp metal picks and drills inside someone's mouth, you don't have to be funny. that person is at your mercy and will do anything you want him to do. maybe we should use dentists to extract information from political prisoners: "give me the location of the w.m.d.s or it's a root canal for you."

the guys won big last night. 30 points i believe. nmiller even scored a couple baskets. as a former coach of mine would've said, "i can't believe he had the nerve to do something right." it was exciting. everyone on the team scored. no triple overtime, which was good for my nervous system. all coaches should boycott the mcdonalds we went to after the game.

yesterday was fat tuesday, which means today is bloated wednesday. i'm starting to feel my age. . .or actually, i think i'm feeling someone else's age. someone much older than i am. it's like that star wars episode where the people were aging at ten times the normal rate. that's me. i'm not even 30 yet and my knees are sore, my ankle feels weak, and i'm having a hard time with my vision and hearing. don't bother telling me that this is normal, i don't believe it.

snow here in michigan, but not enough to get school off. i guess i should be grateful for the day off on friday.

super bowl came and went. didn't really care about the teams; only the commercials. i think ameriquest had the best commercials. the cat one was totally hilarious. even better is the mini-mart where the guy is talking on his cell phone and says "you're getting robbed". you have to see it to truly appreciate it. fortunately, if you missed it you can still see it on ameriquest.com. . .not that i recommend them. they aren't a very helpful company, but they're commercials are good.

more later. . .

peace and java

dad is great. pray for mom.

i would like to thank all those who have been praying and encouraging my family with emails, cards, letters, etc. when asked how the family is doing, i generally reply "dad is great. pray for mom". . .and i continue to echo that statement. please continue to pray for my mom at this time. she has lost more than a husband. . .and it is difficult to explain what all that means, so i won't. suffice it to say that a best friend for over 30 years is impossible to replace.

i've been travelling back and forth on weekends and trying to keep up with everything, but obviously things like posting here have been on hold for a while.

basketball has been going well. 2 games last week, 2 wins. 1st game was an overtime victory, 2nd game was a double overtime victory. players are begging me not to go to today's game for fear that a triple overtime might be the result. i tell them that at least they've won those games, so they shouldn't be upset.

so today is "fat tuesday" and i had an authentic packzi. so exciting it takes a line here.

apparently the fantasy basketball league is broken into 2 seasons, so despite the fact that i have lead the whole time, i will have to start all over again on the 22nd. those interested in joining the league should email me. in season 1, byers has made up a lot of ground lately. . .as has the wife. my second team wallows at the bottom.

warrior child has 3 cousins: jordan, jenna, philip. the other day i let him play with some of my old toys. he learns very quickly who michael jordan is and knows how to make him dunk the basketball. last night he asks me, "where is michael jenna?"

corolla died. sad times. thought i would drive shadow for 3 or 4 more years, but now i drive cory the montana. hate to admit that i like driving a minivan, but it isn't the driving experience that i enjoy as much as the storage capacity and all the extra buttons.

more later. . .

peace and java

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"you must dream math, you see . . ." -Melvin Cacayorin


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