i would like to thank all those who have been praying and encouraging my family with emails, cards, letters, etc. when asked how the family is doing, i generally reply "dad is great. pray for mom". . .and i continue to echo that statement. please continue to pray for my mom at this time. she has lost more than a husband. . .and it is difficult to explain what all that means, so i won't. suffice it to say that a best friend for over 30 years is impossible to replace.
i've been travelling back and forth on weekends and trying to keep up with everything, but obviously things like posting here have been on hold for a while.
basketball has been going well. 2 games last week, 2 wins. 1st game was an overtime victory, 2nd game was a double overtime victory. players are begging me not to go to today's game for fear that a triple overtime might be the result. i tell them that at least they've won those games, so they shouldn't be upset.
so today is "fat tuesday" and i had an authentic packzi. so exciting it takes a line here.
apparently the fantasy basketball league is broken into 2 seasons, so despite the fact that i have lead the whole time, i will have to start all over again on the 22nd. those interested in joining the league should email me. in season 1, byers has made up a lot of ground lately. . .as has the wife. my second team wallows at the bottom.
warrior child has 3 cousins: jordan, jenna, philip. the other day i let him play with some of my old toys. he learns very quickly who michael jordan is and knows how to make him dunk the basketball. last night he asks me, "where is michael jenna?"
corolla died. sad times. thought i would drive shadow for 3 or 4 more years, but now i drive cory the montana. hate to admit that i like driving a minivan, but it isn't the driving experience that i enjoy as much as the storage capacity and all the extra buttons.
more later. . .
peace and java