if you only read blogs with great theological truths or fantastic paradoxi, please exit now and point your browser elsewhere. at best, this will serve as fodder for illustration.
i'll be heading out to denver in a little over a week. i hope i have the courage to come back. after tonight, who knows. i see from chief's blog that papa johns has a great deal out there. . .so i'm hoping we call the papa at least once while i'm out there. . .maybe after the mets/rockies game.
tonight we went to the store to look for some shoes, buy parts of a cow and stock up on diet coke. we found each of the items we needed, but the warrior children were on the path of resistance. the first born poked holes in the wrapping on the cow and decided to dance in the aisles with the top of his shorts hitting him just below the knees. fortunately, neither of us was arrested, but we still should consider getting him a belt or maybe suspenders. the new kid decided to pull clothes off the rack and throw herself on the ground. once i got her back in the cart, the other kid went on his own little expedition of the store and was later returned to us by store authorities. we saw some friends at the store, after i flapped my arms to get the wife's attention (i found a great lane and didn't want to give it up). the good news is that the cow made it home safely as did the diet coke and the shoes that the wife originally thought were dorky.
on wednesday, the warrior child is allowed to go back to eating dairy. . .so we are hitting the dq. i've explained to him the intricacies of the banana split and blizzard, but he has his heart set on a plain vanilla ice cream cone. i could attempt to muse about how in the complexity of life we really desire that which is simple. . .but i'm not in the mood.
site redesign is coming along. . .slowly and tediously (like a lot of my seminary papers). i hope to have something to show by end of week. . .but as crazy as this week's schedule looks, don't count on it. it is like the inter-city school site: coming soon. perhaps i will post a screen shot soon. . .but not tonight.
much to do yet tonight.
peace and java