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extra long weekend

nice for teachers and students alike, but both parties find it challenging to get back in the swing of things. . .especially during the last full week of school. next week is finals, then freedom for all. hopefully by then my new equipment will be in and i can start building the new machines. i need to think of good names for them. comment your suggestions for an ibm laptop and dell desktop.

the Lord provided for my plane ticket to denver (the wedding is less than 2 months away now) in what i would consider an unusual way. now i just have to figure out when to fly out and when to return. the chief promises that fares will drop soon. . .i'll keep checking.

i was listening to a radio broadcast the other day and the emergency test came on. why is it that they interupt what you want to hear with this test instead of bumping it in between commercials? i guess this question is rhetorical, but i can't help asking.

last week i was accused of being a racist by one of my students. this came up after a kid at youth group mentioned that he had never eaten a real dog before. i asked him if he had ever eaten at a chinese restaurant. . .and thus i'm a racist. to me this is the same as saying that the french eat snails, but my student is a tad defensive about these things. i accused her of reverse discrimination, but she wasn't sure what that was so i explained it to her and dropped the issue. a while back i was taught to reply, "i'm not racist, i hate everyone the same", but it didn't seem appropriate at youth group.

here is a pic i got out of a computer magazine. odd thing is, i almost had an office like this down in the bubble.

more later. . .

peace and java.

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quote of the day:

A day without sun shine is like, you know, night.


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