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it came

the day came and went and i've been too busy or too distracted to really comment much lately. i did get peppered beef jerky from my family so that was definitely a highlight. i also got some money from family that i haven't had time to spend yet. . .a matter i mean to remedy soon.

i've been working on recording for podcasts, but ourmedia is having issues so i haven't been able to upload anything recently. pcpodcasting did release episode 8 a couple weeks ago on laptops and a follow-up episode is mostly recorded. i've also done a few screen capture videos on using audacity for noise removal and normalization/amplification, but haven't been able to upload them to ourmedia yet.

yesterday the warrior child and i built an igloo. . .that eventually became a snow tunnel. the wife took pics and i may put them here sometime. the little one came out to play for awhile, but decided to take her boots off. . .so she went in quickly after coming out.

at some point i will blog or podcast about the bubble catastrophe that happened during bath time a week or so ago. i have pictures of that as well, but haven't resized them yet. let's just say that flushing bubbles isn't as easy as it may sound.

more later. . .

peace and java

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quote of the day:

". . . or else you are like a bleeding seal in shark-infested waters!" -Melvin Cacayorin


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