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it seems that i only blog on mondays anymore. not sure what the deal is with that. . .but here i am at another monday. only one week from the 29th anniversary of my birthday. . . .and not feeling any older or wiser than last week.

auburn won big over georgia this weekend. this is the only bright spot in my weekend of sports. all big ten games were terriblely depressing. . .but auburn won. . .and despite what many commentators said this past weekend, they deserve the opportunity to play for the championship this year. oklahoma has nearly lost the past two weekends and has a cushy game next weekend. auburn has proven it can play with the big boys and win decisively. ok, i'm biased because i want my daughter's name to be well-represented.

i'm still ahead in the basketball fantasy league. . .but i keep falling further and further behind the leaders of other leagues. i'm currently 1098 places out of first, which i guess isn't as bad as it could be. i notice that there are at least 25,780 people involved. . .and perhaps many more.

funny to see the little caesars principle applied against little caesars. some pizza company is using duplicating speech in one of their commercials. . .just like little caesars used to do. melvinistically speaking, this is very funny. lex taliones

site redesign is almost finished. some areas still need work, but you at least get the idea. send all negative comments to bob@aol.com. . .all positive comments to dave@daveandnic.com.

had a student last week that couldn't log in. . .of course he waited till mr. byers left the country to have this problem. i won't catalog here all the last minute requests i received over the weekend, but the list was longer than it should've been. i've always said i don't want dwinnberg's job. . .and now i really know how much i don't want it.

7th graders set a record for highest donation to a class party. go the students section to see the record and current party totals. looks like pizza pizza for 8th grade and outback for 7th grade.

more later. . .

peace and java

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