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so i go to the dentist today. same old story "you need to floss every day". yep. that is what they tell me every time. even when i floss every day, they tell me i need to floss every day. i'll try it again. weird thing about the dentist here in michigan. he plays country music all day long. not sure if it is because he really likes country, or maybe he figures psychologically speaking, if what your listening to causes you more suffering than what you are feeling from his work, you won't mind it as much. other weird thing is that while my teeth were getting cleaned, a video was being shown on the tv of a procedure where bits of metal are screwed into the gums and then teeth are attached to it and bolted into place. it didn't look like too much fun. if i ever have to have surgery like that, i'm requesting an epidural for my head.

the warrior child does not like the dentist. . .but he did let the lady count his teeth with a metal instrument. when she asked if she could clean his teeth he told her "maybe next time". positive without commitment. that's my boy!

more later. . .
peace and java

just remembered

the warrior child has a very wild imagination and is becoming a quick wit. at times i marvel at what he is able to come up with in a short amount of time. something happened recently that i couldn't remember. . .until now.

back up a bit. . .we started with 5 fish and added 2 frogs. we are currently down to a single fish. when a fish or frog died, i explained to landon that they got sick and they weren't going to get better. . .and that by leaving them in the tank, we would cause the others to get sick as well.

so we are going to a family reunion in the homeland and passed by many cemeteries. i decided to explain what a cemetery is and what is under those stones. in the midst of my description of putting a body into a box, landon interjected, "i'm not feeling that sick!" this made me think of the line in old yeller where the younger brother asks why they had to kill the cow. the older brother replies, "because she was sick". to which the younger brother asks, "you were sick. how come we didn't shoot you?"

timeout4tech.com launched last week. . .but no podcasts yet. stay tuned.

more later. . .

peace and java

school is out

yes, the students and teachers are rejoicing at the coming of summer vacation. i rejoiced and celebrated last night by sleeping for 12 hours. yes, i know. . .i'm a regular party animal. weird thing is that i woke up tired. . .but what do you expect? i haven't really been sleeping a lot lately. now i should be able to.

i learned today that my daughter is obsessive compulsive about washing her hands. within the space of 15 minutes, she had washed her hands 6 times and completely drenched her shirt in the process.

at the request of cselstad, the poll has changed to ask about world cup action. please vote at your convenience. i'm not a huge fan of soccer, but it is fun to watch those that are good at it. dalton and i watched most of the englad game today. i was a tad dissapointed by david beckham's performance. i thought crouch played much better for englad. and paraguay's players looked like they wanted it more.

more later. . .

peace and java

e-rabbi on random pilot

so many things running through the brain today (or "running through the rain" if you hear it wrong). my daughter tasted twinkies for the first time today. i've been told that twinkies are the closest things we have to manna. this was confirmed to me when my daughter tasted the twinkie and responded by saying, "honey" (see exodus 16:31). all this talk about food makes me hungry.

I do have a gripe with hostess over the new concept of individually wrapping twinkies. isn't the original concept of naming it "twinkie" have something to do with the fact that they come in a set of two (like twins)? this wastes a lot of my time and leads me into temptation. "how?" you ask. well,

  • my time is wasted because i feel required to find the matching twin to the twinkie i am about to eat. this is no easy task. at times i even wonder if the twins were accidentally split up into different boxes. the mental anguish is horrible. . . it makes me hungry.

  • it further leads me into the temptation of thinking that perhaps these twins were actually triplets. in the past, you would only see twinkies in packs of 2. i knew which 2 went together and since i knew i shouldn't eat 4, i stopped with 1 pack. now, i am frequently tempted to go for a third. the following guilt is horrible. . .it makes me hungry.

i'm wondering if there is actually some conspiracy at work here. . . some "hostess code". after all, if you change the order of the letters, twinkies can be read as "wine kits". could these cakes be part of a plot to drive us to drink? i smell a best selling book and movie. . .and it makes me hungry.

so miami defeated the pistons last night. another prediction came true. dallas only needs 1 more win to make another prediction come true. scary.

more later. . .

peace and java

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quote of the day:

Some folks never exaggerate--they just remember big. -- Audrey Snead


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