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what curse?

go bosox! glad to see 'em win the series. next year, go cubbies! the chief admits he was wrong about the curse and the series. funny to see the animal on his blog. . .kinda looks like grimmy.

the wife's blog has a funny quote from the warrior child. . .please visit and vote in her poll. . .she likes to see her poll numbers go up.

funny that a 7th grader offered me a diet coke as a bribe the other day. i gave the 7th graders the opportunity to write down bible questions for me the other day. one said he didn't have any bible questions-that he knew it all already. so i asked him what was the correct biblical ordo salutis. he told me he would have an answer to me by yesterday. . .then it got bumped to friday. i look forward to seeing his answer.

school quarter ends tomorrow. so exciting it takes a line in my blog.

just think. . .by this time next week, bush's opponent will have demanded a couple of recounts in florida or another swing state.

tabernacle projects and reports are all graded now. here is another group's work.

more later. . .

peace and java

wireless and tabernacles

wireless networking is so much fun. . .as is wireless mouse and keyboard (latest toys, or tools). i got a great deal. www.tigerdirect.com is the place to go.

basketball was a lot of fun last night. played 4-on-3 full-court. . .more guys should come out. . .but it was still fun.

boston needs to get a win on the road tonight. my most recent prediction is sox in 5. chief believes the cards will pull it out. . .citing, among other things, the "curse". funny that some ny paper had a picture of the babe with a tear in his eye after bosox defeated the mercenary yanks.

graded tabernacle projects today. . .and i'm still wading through the reports. some creative projects this year. . .like the tabernacle made from food/candy (below).

more tabernacles to come.

peace and java

not much going on now

the conference is over, i finally got some sleep, the bucks finally won, the sox continue to roll, boys soccer team continues to roll, purdue gave away a win to mi.

the hermit crabs have both been found and have been returned to their home, bush lead continues to grow over his opponent and the election is just over a week away.

tabernacle projects were turned into today. pictures may follow soon.

less than a month till my birthday. . .not as excited this year as past year. . .and next year is the big 3-0. some days i feel old, but i don't ever think old. . .at least i don't think i think old.

latest fun involves creating a fantasy basketball team. nice thing about basketball is you don't have to know too many names to really get into it. only had to pick 6 players (manu ginobili, reggie miller, tim duncan, shane battier, dirk nowitzki, scot pollard). get your own free team (http://fantasygames.sportingnews.com/). wife and byerspcteacher have already made teams as well. i'll try to post weekly results or whatever. if you want to join the league, send an email to dave@daveandnic.com

plans in the works to see a dodgers game next year. . .chicago, denver, somewhere.

wisconsin should win big 10. . .who would've thunk?

more later. . .

peace and java

go sox

playoffs have been stellar thus far. . .hope to see the sox win it all this year. glad to see the mercenary yankees out of the playoffs.

lack of sleep is starting to catch up with me.

more later. . .

peace and java

wild times

who would'a thunk the al penant race would be this crazy? glad to see the sox are still in it. hopefully they pull it off tonight and shame the mercenary yanks in front of their home crowd. can't say that i believe they will win, but i would really enjoy it. don't care about nl. . .but in some ways it would be good to see the red birds pull it off so at least the dodgers don't look so bad. depodesta is on the top of my "list" right now. if you are unsure about this reference, don't worry about it.

nhl is just a mess. . .too funny. can't say i would miss anything if they didn't play. still loyal to the kings, but who wants to see their team go down year after year?

spurs looking good for this year. should go deep in the playoffs. only major problem they may have is stopping quick guards. just a prediction. . .which you know my record for this year.

speaking of which, i've started developing my picks manager for next year. leagues should open in january of 2005, predictions may start as early as december to get in bowl game predictions. more info coming.

funny how everyone is goofy about halloween falling on a sunday. many areas are changing the festivities to a different day this year. just cracks me up. on the one hand people will argue that there is nothing spiritual about the "holiday" but then when it falls on a sunday, suddenly there is a problem. be consistent people.

osu football is one of my few correct predictions, except i didn't predict them to lose to northwestern. byerspcteacher would love to see indiana take them down another notch this weekend, but even i can't predict that happening. looking forward to seeing purdue defeat michigan this weekend. i shall relish the thought of it before, during, and after the game. osu v. mich. game is 2 days before my b-day. watching the game at bseacrist's place again this year. would like to see something different this year. my early present from the bucks would be keeping the game close. maybe by then they will remember how to play defense. maybe by then troy smith will get the hang of throwing td passes. maybe the run game will improve by then. i can dream.

charger men win the league (story here). so exciting it takes a line in my blog. wish girls bball was going as well.

macp is this week. should stay busy. may not blog for a while. go sox!

more later. . .

peace and java


i find it interesting that people who claim to listen to me but don't follow my instructions believe it makes sense to blame me for their incompetence. enough said.

i also find it interesting that people can hear me say that "even though i am an osu fan, i don't believe they will do well this year" and then criticize me when osu loses as if i don't know their limitations. enough said.

october 8 came and went with very little fan-fair. . .mainly due to my lack of sleep in prep for my exam. students kept things hopping by chasing a bee around the classroom. this has happened too many times. i'm glad that no one is asking to open the window any more. enough said.

3rd presidential debate wasn't as close as the media made it appear. bush obviously cleaned his opponent's clock. . .almost as badly as cheney cleaned his opponent's clock. unfortunately, people today don't enjoy thinking for themselves. . .so whatever appeals to their emotions or sounds good, they follow. . .regardless of how little sense it actually makes. not enough said, but enough for today.

last week as i was leaving the house, the warrior child asked for a kiss, hug, and a squeeze. after collecting those, he thanked me for coming to his house. this is normally saved for visitors, but i guess i was counted worthy for once. . .even though it isn't really his house. . .and it isn't really my house either. the only thing i own is a debt for this house. . .but enough said.

dodgers are gone. . .bucks might not make a bowl game if they can't stop this losing skid. michigan almost lost to minnesota and illinois, so i doubt they will win against purdue next week. sad to see purdue lose yesterday, but big ten has the reputation of beating up on each other. enough said.

more later. . .

peace and java

dodgers gone?

this seems to be the end of the dodgers season. lima says not to count them out, but i will stick behind my most recent predictions (though my record isn't very good this year). perhaps next year i should keep a runny tally of my sports predictions and check my ratings. perhaps this could be the next thing to hit the sport scene. after you enter your fantasy team, enter your predictions. it would have to be a seasonal thing. . .then we could build leagues and have schedules. . .maybe not.

buckeyes play the badgers of wi. tomorrow. since they couldn't beat nw last week, i have little reason to believe they can stand up to wisconsin. . .but it would be nice to get revenge for last year's loss.

today is october 8. or for you math guys 8 october 2004. today is nicole smith appreciation day. . .as well as national everything day (dave barry reference. . .but i can't remember the exact title of the book).

today is great because my exam is over. my brain and body can now rest for a few days and recuperate.

there is some sad news though. . .duct tape only received one vote in the primary. and those that voted for green m & m got destroyed by barbie supporters. it will be interesting to see if anyone can beat her in the election. i don't think i want a pink school.

i recently read that "gullibility" isn't in the dictionary. this is somewhat discouraging since i just discussed this with my 7th graders. hopefully they took good notes during class.

more later. . .


go dodgers continued

so the dodgers lost their first game in the playoffs. . .big deal. up today is jweaver. if we lose this game, it's all over. . .when we win today, things will look better. st. louis has what it takes to finish on top this year, but playoffs is different than regular season. . .unfortunately, dodgers don't have much experience there as of late.

vice presidential debate was very enjoyable. cheney took his opponent to lunch. after fastening a bib around ed's neck, cheney had to spoon-feed him rational thought. . .something new to the vp hopeful.

students were extra squirrelly yesterday. not sure what the deal was, but today needs to be better, else the shark will smell blood.

watched osu get killed by northwestern with mbyers. then found out it was the most watched game ever on espn2 (http://nusports.collegesports.com/sports/m-footbl/spec-rel/100504aab.html).

warrior child has made some interesting comments lately:
"that sounds like a good idea. whatever me want"
"Jesus is going to bring us a van. . .and a beach"
"should you play with me, daddy? you should!"
"where are they going?" me: "i don't know" him: "they coming to landon's house"

school elections: vote duct tape! probably too late to start a campaign, but i feel no remorse for this shameless plug. students have this weird notion. they vote green m & m in the primary so that barbie won't be in the election, but they don't get that if they don't vote for a candidate that they like, their candidate may not be in the election either. c.holland is such a student.

new kid seems to enjoy her rice. who woulda thunk. perhaps i will blog about the significance of this soon.

wife ventures meatloaf again. . .this is becoming a staple in our menu.

new chapter topic for the unpublished book has to do with brilliant people that lack common sense.

more later. . .

peace and java

go dodgers

so i get this text message from the chief letting me know that the dodgers win their division against cross-town rivals san fran. sweetness. funny that he mentions depodesta may have known what he was doing. i still submit that they won in spite of his mess rather than as a result. . .but then again, you know my success in sports predictions this year.

so i'm at mbyers house watching northwestern own ohio state (notice the new poll), and one of the commentators announces nugent as a heisman contender. i just laugh, but apparently he was serious. so this starts the conversation about whether a place kicker actually deserves it. . .and since nugent has most of the buckeye's points, he is (arguably) their "best player". then in ot when he shanks the kick and they lose, another commentator says "and you were going to give him a heisman?" as much of a fan as i am, i have said all season that they weren't good enough to be in the top 10. last night proved that. my prediction is that purdue will win the big 10. iowa won yesterday, but they aren't as good as i previously thought.

my students crack me up. one thinks i only have 2 responses to any statement: 1) wow or 2) nice. she is forgetting 3) hala and 4) really?
so we are going over the plagues in class. . .one of the choices was the plauge of cats and the question comes up, "were cats part of the curse on adam and eve?" hmmm. . . perhaps i should post my list of "why i hate cats".

most recent fun with windows xp powertoys. they are sultan. . .especially multiple desktops and alt-tab preview.

the new kid tasted rice for the first time this week. perhaps sometime i should explain the significance of this.

presidential debate this past week was basically a waste of time. no one's mind is changed. bush tries to explain why his opponent (who will remain unnamed for numerous reasons) is "unfit for command" while his oppoenent continues his pathological lying tendencies and repeatedly shows his own inconsistencies. amazing that people can find anything worth voting for in this guy. tis a shame that most people don't know how to think for themselves. this is my only explanation.

more later. . .

peace and java

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