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happy birthday america!

today is the 4th of july/independence day. . .or as my wife told my son this am, "america's birthday". he was certain that america "doesn't know how to eat it". . .since to him birthday means cake and he isn't sure what america is, so he is sure america can't eat his cake. i assure you, america knows how to eat his cake. . .and, as you may have noticed, i am referring to america in the masculine gender. saying that a woman knows how to eat her cake just doesn't seem right.

last weekend we went to the henry ford (the museum, not the person) and the warrior child learned that horses go to the bathroom outside. a valuable lesson to learn if you ever plan to own a horse. i was excited about taking him to the historical baseball game, but he was more interested in goofing off with his cousins. eventually, it was just my father-in-law, dalton, auburn, and i watching the game (ok the kids were sleeping while dad and i watched the game). cool thing about this game is that there aren't walks or strikeouts (typically), the pitcher pitches underhand, and no one wears a glove. this makes for a very fast-paced, high-scoring game. . .usually. the nats were crushing the lah-de-dahs 19 to 5 when we finally left. the lahs went scoreless for 4 straight innings. kinda reminds me of melvin ball back in the bubble.

anyway, today the warrior child asked how long we watched the baseball game at the horse-poop-place. i was driving the van at the time and almost got into an accident (because of laughing. . .not because of a lack of driving skill). not sure who told him that was what was in the street. . .or why that is the only way he could think to describe it. . .but it was good for a laugh. now, i just need to work on his choice of words.

in jr. high sunday school, we are working through the book of james. this past sunday, tfisher was teaching on 1:13-16 and used fishing as an illustration. the fish sees the worm, but not the hook. for some odd reason, my mind started to think through the logic behind seeing a worm in the middle of a river/stream/body of water and assuming that it got there normally. obviously, fish logic isn't the same as human logic. . .but the thought was there and now it here so i have more space there for newer strange thoughts.

i got my new ubuntu cds. so exciting that a line in my blog this takes.

i recently saw a political show where the issues discussed were surrounding the upcoming gubernatorial election in michigan. the democratic leader for the state of michigan stated that school vouchers would destroy the public school system. whether his statement is accurate or not, i can't exactly say. i would argue that the public school system is already doing a good job of destroying itself and doesn't need any help. but supposing that the public school system is strong, why would he think that giving people the choice of where to go to school would cause a problem? if our public schools are so great, why wouldn't parents choose to send their children there? perhaps, the democrats realize that the public school system is already broken, but just don't want to figure out what caused it to break. instead, they will campaing on a platform that would have us throwing more money into the bottom-less pit.

more later. . .
peace and java

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quote of the day:

"Anywhere is walking distance if you've got the time." -Steven Wright


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