i took the warrior child shopping tonight for sultan coffee and beef jerky. he conned me into buying a barrel of cheese balls (it wasn't too hard to con me. . .i'm an easier sell on these things than the wife). i took a picture of the kids carrying the barrel into the kitchen. i will post it sometime in the near future. . .along with a picture of the coffee grinder that i use to grind the sultan (caribou) beans.
the other day i was bidding on an item (ebay) and i showed the warrior child what i was bidding on. when i told him "i bid on this" he responded with a question: "how did it taste?" he has been keeping me laughing a lot lately. i wish i had a constant recording of him so that i wouldn't forget all of his funnies. he has so many that it is difficult to keep up with all of them.
today was packzi (poonch-key) day. not sure why they cram them full of jelly. kinda gross. . .but then again, they are polish. . .and i'll never understand sauerkraut either. bubba omar made an appearance in 7th grade to help grade a quiz. he and i are poster boys for "fat" tuesday. . .and every other day of the week. gmurphy had fun at lunch today. i'm sure there is another side to his story, but he sure sounded like a victim. . .even had the jelly stain on his shirt to prove it.
more later. . .
peace and java
p.s. "cool beans" = keep your coffee beans in the fridge