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the wife ventured forth and made meatloaf. this may not sound significant, but in the 5 and a half years we've been married, this is the 3rd time i've had meatloaf (perhaps the most melvinistic food in the world. . .next to sushi and venti coffee). it was a triumph. she even liked it, so maybe we will have it again soon. . especially next time chief comes out this way.

tonight we played capture the flag out on the field. bower was being quite the stinker. . .not playing the game. even without brendon around she managed to avoid actually having fun. tried to disguise her lack of cooperation by pretending to want to talk to the leaders. nice try.

the latest craze has been the game escape (http://uk.download.yahoo.com/ne/fu/dodge.html). see how well you can move a mouse. my best score is 28.99 seconds. mr. byers has passed 30 seconds.

dodgers are only 1.5 games ahead of cross-town rivals. seems to be their lot in life. . .do well early on, then fizzle at the end of the year. still can't help thinking that depodesta is an idiot. . .but we all want someone to blame.

dan rather. . .is it possible to trust this man? in a recent statement he said that he ran the store in an effort to show that there was no favoritism in his reporting. what? i'm so thankful that this makes no sense to me. john kerry has been taking cues from the clinton political team. . .not only do they give him pointers on political strategy, they have also helped him perfect his ability to lie with a straight face. recently in an interview, he stated that he doesn't pay attention to the polls and that he doesn't pay attention to the people in his campaign that pay attention to the polls. . .then later he was asked how close the race was and he answered "only a couple of points" amazing.

tomorrow is work-a-thon at school. . .no classes, just public service and pizza. question is, who will fall of the merry-go-round this year?

to those who have wireless routers, please lock them down so that my axim doesn't connect. this is very annoying. someone in my neighborhood has a linksys router that they have left wide open. if anyone is interested in free wireless internet, cruise my neighborhood and connect to their network.

studying the hardening of pharaoh's heart in 8th grade yesterday and today. question goes out: "who was responsible for the hardening of pharaoh's heart, God or pharaoh?" most thought it was a trick question. . .of course i always get accused of asking tricky questions. i also get accused of giving hard quizzes/tests. 8th graders are doing great this year. . .no grade below a b. quizzes must not be too hard.

just got off the phone with the wife. . .our car died at the store. that should make for an interesting couple of days.

peace and java.

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quote of the day:

Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't come to yours.


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