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landon is in surgery

i'm sitting in the waiting area while landon is in surgery. nice of someone to leave their wifi connection open for me. before going into surgery, they gave landon some hi-powered tylenol. they told us it would make him a little goofy. i told them that he didn't need any help in that department. especially not in the morning. our 2 favorite quotes during this time: "mickey doesn't poop outside" and "i'm talking to that book. hi book."

for some reason he started quoting from the emperor's new groove and kept repeating, "ha! boom baby" i told him he should say that when he goes through the door. i ended up being the one to say it. i also told him we were in a race on his moving bed and when we got to the room the dr. and nurses cheered for us. . .since we won.

thank you to all who prayed and are still praying for landon. we will let you know how the surgery went later.

weird thing about this waiting area. they have a coffee machine with several buttons (coffee, 50-50, decaf, hot chocolate, mocha java, latte, etc.). the guy in front of me was trying to get something other than coffee, so he pressed a button. nothing happened. so he pressed another button. finally, the lady at the front desk yelled, "the start button is the only button that works". i felt bad for the guy. he was already in an embarrassing situation by standing there for so long with nothing happening. after i made my coffee and stirring in the necessary sugar, i stepped on the pedal for the trash can. nothing happened. at least the start button on the coffee machine worked. i'm assuming all the buttons on the other side of this wall work. . .or else landon's surgery may amount to little more than a cup of coffee. . .and not great coffee.

so i had my sleep study last week. interesting time. didn't really sleep long or well. kinda tricky with wires connected to the head, shoulders, legs and face, a tube running across my neck and a couple of prongs up each nostril. funny thing is the bed has a remote that allows you to raise the head, legs, and vibrate. i decided to try all of these features out. . .but when the tech came in, she turned them all off and said i wasn't allowed to use them during the study. what is the point of having the functionality if you can't use it?

they told me that there was a tv in the room and i could bring reading materials. they told me to stay on my normal schedule. . .but when it came down to it, they made me go to bed 2 hours earlier than normal and didn't let me finish watching gods and generals. i'm sure this was part of the reason i couldn't fall asleep. terrible thing about the beginning of the movie is that it is totally slanted toward a warped southern perspective. i still haven't watched the second half to see if it changes. . .but probably not. most (if not all) civil war movies are slanted that way since southerners are the only ones that want to talk about the war. losers seem to want to rationalize their failure or try to find a way to spin it so that it looks like they ended up better than before. nice try.

more later. . .

peace and java

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You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.


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