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first night

the warrior children are sleeping in their own rooms for the first time. it is having stressful effects on both of them. though they don't always get along perfectly, they certainly don't know how to handle night time without each other. but they will learn. every little reason they could think of to be near each other was attempted. the warrior child even complained about his pillow case being wrong.

i spent the last of my best buy gift cards tonight. new printer/scanner/copier/fax for home and business should be arriving soon. i hope it lives up to my expectations. perhaps that is unfair. but i've read many reviews and the specs on it are pretty nice for what i want to do. the brand name is "brother" so perhaps i should name it jon. it is network ready (can stand alone without being plugged into a computer) and has an automatic sheet-feed for scanning and faxing (up to 25 sheets at a time). supposedly it doesn't need a phone line to fax out and has media card readers on the front for instant printing of pics from camera's sd card. the wife is happy that it does color printing. i'm most excited about auto page-feed and network-ready.

reading through the esv this year (2006. . .but i've started early). in many places it is identical to the updated nasb and in others it is difficult to see anything similar. tonight pt read 1 thess 5:14 where we are told to admonish the unruly (those out of step), yet the esv translates it as "idle" (though it gives disorderly and undisciplined as possible variants). this is an instance where neither translation seems to satisfy me. the meaning of the word (which only appears here in the greek nt) ataktos has many different nuances. one seems to speak of someone in the military not in step with his company. another speaks of irregular pleasures, and yet another focusses on deviation from a prescribed order or rule (which goes along with the first nuance and favors the nasb translation). and still the word is said to have been used in greek society of those who did not show up for work (which favors the esv translation). without going into an amplified direction, it would be nice to have representation of the full meaning of the word without excluding one side of it. one reading "idle" may not pick up the "unruly" aspect and vice versa. i guess having the variants in the margin should be sufficient for me.

more later. . .

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